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Harpenden’s Top Winter Skincare Tips

Sophie Swales - 17th January 2020

Harpenden’s Top Winter Skincare Tips Image

With the mercury threatening to fall below zero on a daily basis and adverse weather conditions leaving us all bearing the brunt of the coldest season, it’s in these chill-infested months that our skin requires that little bit extra looking after.

So, whether you’re reading this during a cold commute, or you’re safely tucked up inside in a centrally-heated haven, allow us to present you with our top tips for winter skincare this January.

Five Essential Winter Skincare Tips

Keep An Eye On The Thermostat

Although it may be hard not to whack the heating up this winter, sitting around in swathes of hot air can actually dry your skin out. To prevent this from happening, keep an eye on your thermostat and turn it down once you feel comfortable enough, your skin will be extremely thankful.

Shower Sensibly

As above, make sure you monitor the temperature of your shower to ensure that your skin doesn’t become irritated by the heat. Tempting as it may be to conduct your daily cleansing routine from the comfort of a hot shower, spending longer than ten minutes in the cubicle could also spell bad news for the condition of your skin. Wash in lukewarm water, too, it’ll be better for you!

Dry Off Before Going Outside

We all lead busy lives and, as such, don’t always have as much time as we need to spend on all aspects of our everyday lives. This sometimes translates to our daily cleansing routines, particular if we’re running late for work. Going outside into the cold without fully drying off will increase the risk of your skin becoming chapped and broken, so try to avoid this where possible.

Beware UV Rays

Alright, we’re not going to fool you into thinking that the sun’s going to appear as prominently in the sky as it does in the summer over the next few months. Yet, as its a constant presence in our skies, when the sun does manage to creep through the clouds, it can still cause harm to our skin with its powerful UV rays. To negate these effects, make sure you still continue to use an SPF 15 or above in your daily skincare routine.

Skincare Routine

If you’ve got a fixed skincare routine, you don’t need us to tell you the importance of moisturising on the regular. Adding a thick moisturiser to your skin as soon as you have finished washing or bathing will keep you in tip-top condition. It’s also advised to make an effort to switch up your go-to products for something gentler in the colder months, too. This will ensure that you won’t be unintentionally stripping your skin of its essential moisture when it needs it most.

Harpenden Skin Clinic

At Harpenden Skin Clinic, we make sure your health, happiness and wellbeing are our highest priorities. To see what you can do for you, and start your 2020 off in the right way so get in touch today.

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