Stay up to date with the latest news, views and video snapshots, from Harpenden Skin Clinic. Read our latest articles below and please do share the articles with friends or family.
Our BEST EVER Black Friday Deals, Thursday 24th November – Monday 28th November
Whether it’s the shift in temperature, or the changing of colours, there’s just something about Autumn that makes it feel like the perfect time to refresh.
It’s that time again, where we celebrate another year gone by with gratitude, and look to the future by setting new intentions.
Ready for a little rejuvenation and not sure where to begin?
As the new year begins Harpenden Skin Clinic is going to look on the bright side.
The darker mornings that this time of year brings doesn’t need to have you hiding in the shadows.
With gyms and other facilities closed, being creative and finding other ways to stay in shape and maintain body strength, may have been a little more difficult than we expected...
As Autumn opens itself to crisp mornings and cosy evenings, Harpenden Skin Clinic opens itself to you and welcomes you back to looking and feeling great.
As seasons go, there’s scarcely a period of the year more crucial than winter to ensure that you properly look after your skin. With the mercury threatening to fall below zero on a daily basis...